Friday 27 November 2015

How to Identify a Good Mineral Royalty Buyer?

Are you someone eager to sell you oil and gas royalty? Are you confused about the process? Are you looking for a way to identify a trustworthy company? Are you looking for a way to make a fair deal? To help the mineral royalty buyers with these basic things, we have gathered a few guidelines. First of all, make sure you don’t strike any deal in a hurry. Carefully go through every aspect of the deal and then strike a fair deal. Significant value of the deal can be lost in a hurry to sell the royalty.
Personal communication
A few years back, people were forced to sell their royalties at a lower price to royalty buyers because there was a lack of communication. There were lesser means of communication and it wasn’t as easy, cheap and rapid. As the internet was introduced in the market, managing business became much easier. In oil and gas royalties business, the internet played a role as well. It enables direct contact between the royalty buyer and seller which saves time, effort and usually money as well. Companies hire an escrow agent to help you settle transactions as early as possible.
Rapid Evaluation of your assets
Most of the reputable companies have a team of experts to assist you throughout the process and your mind can be at peace. These companies provide fast and accurate evaluation of your products within time in a professional manner. This will save you time, money and effort.
Quick, fair, and timely offer
A trustworthy and renowned company is going to offer you a true, accurate offer and on time. These companies adopt easy to follow procedures to assist you with liquating your assets. After the companies are done with the process of evaluation, they will offer you a price for your assets. This price is inclusive of all the documents and legal work. If you are still not sure about accepting the offer, you should contact previous clients of the companies.
No hidden costs and obligations

Dealing with a middleman can delay the process and problems in the process. Middleman is not likely to have cash on hand to deliver hence the delays. It is recommended that you work with a company that has low or no cost to carry out the transaction process. Also you should look or a “no obligation” clause in the terms and conditions of the company. Before finalizing the deal, make sure that you understand the process and you are comfortable with dealing with the company. Also, make sure that the company is giving an honest, fair and reliable offer to you. It is recommended that you choose the company which handles the paperwork and legal work on its own.

For more information visit our website:

Friday 13 November 2015

Purchasing Oil and Gas royalties

The international market for commodities has always been a great risk to invest and gas royalty. You should assure yourself first; indeed it’s a profitable investment. As the prices of oil and gas keep on soaring, you may be wondering when is the best time to buy oil who is considering to buy oil and gas royalty, then this article will serve you as a complete guide. If you are planning to invest, first make a comparison between the profit obtained from a direct investment against making an investment indirectly. By indirect investment we mean using a less risky approach for instance using a mutual fund that specializes in energy concerns.
Generally risk is involved whenever you are making an investment. However if you are investing safe, this implies that less risk is involved and less reward accordingly. The royalty purchaser should consider what is more important to them, taking risks for greater rewards or settling for a safer investment. The risks involved in mineral investment are of unique nature, but it comes with a number of incentives. The incentives involved are related to the tax advantages that no mutual fund can provide to the royalty purchaser If you are planning to make an investment directly, that is without any intermediaries, you are settling for receiving royalties without a partnership.
The investors who intent to buy the mineral rights should remember that they are going to have some ownership entitlement to the land. That is why it is recommended for them to hire a real estate agent. The agent should be able to locate best deals for you and figure out the local properties that fit your requirements. Make sure you compare the properties on the basis of mineral production, whether it’s worth the investment or not. Make sure you clearly understand what you are going to get yourself into. Consider your options, the best choice among the rest and then make your final decision. Royalty purchaser should be able to make final decision after assessing the market.

Once you are done with choosing a site, the next step is to hire a broker to carry out the negotiation process. The broker can make the negotiation process smoother based on his experience. However, you can carry out the negotiation yourself too. Either way, after the negotiation you are supposed to contact your accountant to make sure that you secure yourself from any impending liability.  The basic idea behind the process of buying mineral right is to make sure you make best profit with putting your least effort. The real estate in the process is going to assist you to locate the best available deal. The broker is going to help you strike the negotiations. Your accountant is going to make sure that your assets are protected during the deal.

For more information visit our website:

Friday 30 October 2015

Royalty Buyers – The Guide toUnderstanding the Concept

In this world, there will be many people who will be the true players of a particular industry and the ones that will act as posers. Similarly, you may find many people who call themselves as royalty buyers. They will just invest in the chance to attract the massive tax advantages and profits that are reeled in when buying the royalties of oil, gas and other mineral commodities. The information in this article will help you on what to expect as a gas and oil royalty buyer and what to expect during the process. Are you interested? Then read further …
The topic of gas and oil royalty buyers is a tough one to take in at your first exposure. The mineral royalties can often become quite massive depending on the quantity of gas and oil any particular land is producing at a given point in time. Understanding the trends and behaviors of a royalty buyer will help you assess and imitate. If you are the smart seed in your social group, then learning how to buy gas and oil royalties will bring you considerable advantage.
Looking into the mineral industry in the largest sense is the key. Gas and oil royalty buyers are in fact dealing in minerals and other commodities. This is one of those professional investing terms that carry weight and can make many people cringe. It is indeed true that the commodities market is quite risky; the commodity and the value trapped along with it is all about speculative value.
This certainly means that gas and oil royalty buyers must be ready to forestall any action in the market and respond quickly. The volatility associated with this business can make for deals that pivot on completion in hours as opposed to several days. Decisions are taken quickly and can change with only a dip in the same day’s market results. You can easily call royalty buyers as mavericks that are always keeping an eye out to score a big payday.
The nature of gas and oil royalty buyers is often similar, which is that they choose a broker to to proceed. The brokers have just one purpose and that is to secure the best deal possible, for the client. If you found yourself trading with a broker then there are massive chances that you are in fact dealing with a royalty buyer. Now, this is the time to study and witness a professional at work.
This is the world of the gas and oil royalty buyers. Or else more realistically said, it is big business in its untainted form. If you choose to buy gas and oil royalties, you need to be happy with the negotiation process, especially if you are dealing with a broker. If you have made up your mind to deal with a broker, you must be clear about your objectives before you proceed further.
This also means that you will have to become familiar with keeping a cool head while you are involved in aggressive bidding. Negotiations often turn into heated arguments and you will have to stay patient if you want to see a big payday becoming possible. Working towards the goals you have set will require assiduousness and determination. Simply put, you need to stick your head out in the open if you want to achieve your goals.
Investment is a study in patience. Gas and oil royalty buyers understand this concept and us e the time to their benefit. You need to be familiar with the intricacies in the market. You should meet up with your accountant to discuss the options in front of you, but more importantly have fun along the process. Welcome to the exciting world of royalty investments and royalty buyers.

Uni Royalties Limited is the reputed royalty buyers in the United States’ petroleum industry that can help you sell oil royalty and gas royalty as well. It aims at maximizing your asset withdrawal. Uni Royalties Ltd. helps with speedy land evaluations to discover the minerals underneath and then matches you with a royalty purchaser, which will give you a good deal for the mineral interests.
For more information, visit website:

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Things That Royalty Buyers Need To Know Before Buying Mineral Rights

When people want to buy oil and gas royalty, they often become confused as to whether the purchase would be profitable or not. This uncertainty is because of the price increase of oil and gas and also due to the nature of the commodities market. This article provides information for the royalty buyers about whether buying gas and oil royalty would be a benefit to you or not.
Before buying oil and gas royalty, investors always compare the profitability of direct and indirect investment. Mutual funds are an indirect approach, and are less risky as well; these mutual funds deal with energy concerns. In the world of investment, if the investor is not taking risks and is playing it safe, then he would get a low reward as well.
Buying royalties of oil and gas is risky, but the incentives which these royalties offer to the Royalty buyers, are worth the risk. When the buyer takes a risk, he receives tax advantages which no mutual fund offers. If the investor is making a direct investment, then he is not entering into a partnership but has chosen to receive royalties.
The benefit of buying royalty is that you own the land which contains oil and gas; you wouldn’t completely own the land, but you will be entitled to some ownership. At this point, every buyer should seek help from a real estate agent, as  he would advise on which property is right for you and which property you should buy.
Asking help from a real estate agent is not enough; you need to collect information about the property as well and you need to put your own benefit in mind. You should consider the output of a property, in terms of oil and gas production; keep in mind how much you are paying for that land and whether the production is worth it. Once you have picked a property, think before you buy it because once you have made the purchase and it doesn’t work out, the only way you are going to get your money back is, if you resell it to someone. It is not an easy task to buy oil and gas royalty and must be done with caution.
Once you have found a property you want, involve a brokerage as they are good at supervising negotiations between two parties and it would make the process smooth. However, if you don’t trust a third party, then you should meet the sellers in person and make a deal yourself; one which protects your interests. Make sure that you involve your accountant to seek advice about liability.

The trick of buying royalty of oil and gas, is to make sure that you get profit by putting minimum work. This is the reason why the involvement of a real estate agent is advised, as he would get you the best deal and would help you make the right decision. Involve the accountant for protecting your bank account and a brokerage as well; the deal would be a smooth one.
For more information visit our website:

Tuesday 1 September 2015

How Oil and Gas Royalty Buyers go about their work

There are some people who purchase the royalties of oil and gas and these people are called royalty buyers. They are entitled to all the profit that comes up from buying these royalties. In this article we are going to cover the details of oil and gas royalty buyers.
Initially, people find it difficult to grasp the idea of oil and gas royalties. The price of the royalties is proportional to the amount of oil and gas found under the construction site. This means that if the amount of gas and oil found is high, this will increase the amount of royalty you get. Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing royalties, you need to learn about it in detail.
The oil and gas royalty buyers usually deal in commodities. This simply means they must be ready for any fall or rise of the royalties on the market. This market is quite risky, and these royalty buyers must be ready for anything.

These oil and gas royalty buyers need to visit a broker. The main aim of these brokers is to make the best deal for their client. If you find yourself dealing with a broker, this means you are dealing with a royalty buyer.
Yes! This is the world full of people who are oil and gas royalty buyers. This is a big business and has lots of money in it. If you are interested in buying these royalties, you must be comfortable with the negotiation process and know all about this transaction. Therefore, if you decide to visit a broker, make sure you make yourself clear in front of him. Tell him what you expect and clear all your doubts.
This means you need to have patience and keep it cool. These types of bidding can become quite heated and if you expect a big payout, you need to have loads of patience. For that, you need to be determined. Tell yourself, this bidding will end soon and there will be all types of people presenting their offer. Just stick to your goals.

Investment is connected to patience. As an oil and gas royalty buyer, you need to understand it in its truest sense. Familiarize yourself with the market. Meet up with your accountant and most importantly, keep it cool. Enjoy yourself and Yes! Welcome to the world of royalty and investments.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Are You A Royalty Buyer? – The Do’s And Don’ts in the Petroleum Industry

royalty buyers
royalty buyers 

The term royalty often is mistaken for some other term in the United States gas and oil industry, and often considered to be taken for granted by Americans. However, what does oil and gas royalties actually mean? If put in simple words, royalties gives the owner the right to receive a share of whatever revenues, their commodities are earning in the market. The principle stands correct for different fields of production whether it is movies, music, minerals, publishing or toys. If you are royalty buyer then there might be several property owners willing to sell their royalties.
Specifically in the oil industry, royalties is a pre-agreed price said to be given for a fixed term as asked by the property owner, to give the royalty buyer the right to utilize the mineral resources underneath the land. Although, it is also important to know that there is one other kind of royalty where the state is the property owner. In this case, the government often orders to hold back its share to the plainest minimum until the investor is able to recover his / her costs.
You must remember this that when you were a child, you often allowed your friend to ride on your brand new bike for a penny, around the backyard. Royalty is somewhat similar to this. Just consider oil as a bike metaphor, substitute corporate executives in place of your friend, and the penny you demanded from your friend, for millions. Once you have made these changes, you are ready for the business world.
Most Americans fail to realize that royalty buyers and the petroleum royalty industry is booming in the United States. You can either decide to sell your entire mineral royalty interests or a portion. A few of the petroleum management firms are bound to take notice, since the competition is extremely fierce and resources are getting scarce.
After a bit of research, you will come to know that some companies ease the deal by contributing to shoulder half of your urgent cash needs instantly. They might also offer consultation sessions free of cost so you are able to make an informed decision on whether you will hold on to or sell your property. Bidding out the royalty interests will yield you the best dollar package.
It happens more often that interested firms offer to handle all your payments and paperwork for processing of documents in the district with no charges or hidden costs. This will save you the legal fees or give petroleum firm a chance to trick you into validating a contract that will prove disadvantageous to you and your interests. However, if you consider visiting your lawyer at this point, he / she may be able to address your concern.
Bidding petroleum companies usually ask for any kind of evidence to clear out any speculations, so it is a good idea to keep pertinent documents and other information related to the property, around you.
Uni Royalties Limited is one of the leading royalty buyers all across the United States. They carry out speedy evaluations for oil and gas leases to make sure that you get top bucks for your mineral interests. For more information and a range of petroleum investment solutions, visit You can also call us on our toll free number, 1 888 916 0220.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Royalty Buyers & Minerals – How to Get It Right

There are the ones that call themselves the royalty buyers of gas and oil. They invest in any mineral opportunities to earn high profits and unique tax advantages. The information in this article explains about the prospects of gas and oil royalty buyers and what to expect during this lengthy process. Therefore, if you are interested now, then you will be plenty informed about royalty buyers at the end of this article.

To be honest, the topic of gas and oil royalty buyers is quite difficult to grasp for a newbie. The mineral royalties can become very expensive depending on the amount of gas or oil or any other mineral that particular land is producing at a given time. If you are able to understand the psyche of these mineral interest buyers, then this will help you greatly in the emulation and the evaluation of the process. If you can learn the art of buying gas and oil royalties, you will be at a significant advantage.

You must have an eye to look at the industry in the way it is, and that the gas and oil royalty buyers are in actual, dealing in commodities. This word comes from a group of the loaded investing terms that many people may jump after hearing. It is in fact true that the commodities market is risky and the nature of commodity plus the value trapped is all about speculative value.

This means that gas and oil royalty buyers should be ready to bear any circumstances they face in the market and react instantly. This petroleum business’s volatility can make make for deals that circle around on completion within a matter of hours instead of days. Here, decisions are made fast and change even faster, may be as fast as the day ends. Therefore, mineral royalty buyers are nonconformists that are always drooling for a big payday.

The nature of gas and oil royalty buyers is of going through a broker before entering into a deal. The brokers exist for one purpose only and that is to get the best deal for the clients. If you found yourself dealing with a broker, then the chances are that you are most probably dealing with a royalty buyer. So, this is that time where you can observe and study a professional at his work.

This world is filled with gas and oil royalty buyers, or alternatively you can say that it is big business in its untainted form. If you have chosen to buy gas and oil royalties, you will have to be comfortable with the on-going negotiations. It is particularly true when your dealer is a broker. If you have have made up your mind to deal with a broker then making your objectives clear is the first step to being involved.

This, in clear terms, means that you will have to be cool-minded and familiar with aggressive bidding as well. Negotiations can become quite intense and patience will be the only factor that will ensure the possibility of a big payday. Working towards the goals requires determination and diligence. If you have the guts to stand upright thought he process, then you can certainly achieve your goals.

Investment, in fact, is a study in stoicism. Royalty buyers of gas and oil understand time and use it to their advantage. You need to be familiar with the subtleties in the market. Have a chat with your accountant to discuss the options at hand but most importantly enjoy it as a learning experience. This is the exciting world of royalty investing. Your Welcome!

Uni Royalties Limited is a reputed organization that deals in mineral leases, royalties, interest and whatever terms you may use to describe the minerals found underneath the land. We carry speedy evaluations, arrange meetings with legit royalty buyers and help you get the best deal possible. At times, we also act as a royalty buyer and help your get educated properly about the process.
Visit for more information.